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AC55ID – Fair Trade Music Policy

At AC55ID, we believe that music is an essential part of culture. For this culture to thrive, artists must be compensated fairly and transparently for their work.

We’re proud to say that when you support an artist on AC55ID, 100% of your money goes directly to them. Our platform takes 0% from artists for anything sold on AC55ID.

AC55ID operates on a subscription-based model. We charge $10 per month for individual artists and $29 per month for labels. This includes unlimited access to all features, including the use of our fulfillment center.

Since our platform does not take a share of the revenue, our interests are fully aligned with those of the artists and labels we serve. This straightforward approach ensures that artists and labels are rewarded fairly for their creativity and hard work.

Thank you for supporting a fair and sustainable music economy with AC55ID!

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