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Return Of The Luddites


We had the pleasure of meeting the Punkelectro duo Return Of The Luddites, featuring Nic Marsden from Yorkshire, U.K. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 and Oliver Kucera from Amsterdam, Netherlands 🇳🇱. We took the opportunity to ask them a few questions, and here’s what they had to say:

What’s the strangest or most interesting feedback you’ve ever received about your work?


One that tops them all is Laurent Garnier saying Return Of The Luddites are going to be huge, I had to pinch myself at the time and turn on the news to see if the world had ended turned out everything was fine and I just didn’t have the ability to take positive feedback and believe in ourselves, it’s a vicious cycle of a grounded modest artist and very hard to get the balance of confidence Vs being humble…


Well, I can’t really say it was the strangest feedback, but it was pretty funny. I went through airport security on my way to a gig once, and there was this huge security guard eyeballing me until it was my turn to go through. So, I get through, and he’s like, ‘Sir, can you please come with me?’ I comply, and it turns out he is a big fan of my music and just wanted to have a chat with me about it.

If you could collaborate with any historical figure, who would it be and why?


I would do a Bill and Ted and find all the mass murdering dictators when they were kids, if I could have shape their minds with the art of music from an early age the rest would be history, imagine Napoleon smashing out some Punk Electro bangers, producing music is some addictive shit…


I wouldn’t really know which historical figure I would like to collaborate with. If anything, it would be multiple artists from various genres, just to see what they would create with the technology we have now.

What’s the weirdest place where you’ve found inspiration for your work?


Pain and suffering brings out some of the best music and why the working class and poor make the best vibrations, death, breakups, injustice and struggles.


I have had some great ideas while sitting on the toilet.

What’s your guilty pleasure when you take a break?


I like a good deep dive into Sasquatch sightings to take me into another world I am an escape artist after all…


Mine has to be taking a nap in between sessions 🙂

If you could have any superpower to enhance your  artistic skills, what would it be?


I resonate with Oliver’s answer as both me and Oliver are on the spectrum, I benefit from severe ADHD and Oliver is Autistic but together we are megaism (megazord)


I already feel like I have a superpower being able to make and play music the way I do, or with Nic. But if there was anything else I could think of, it would be the ability to conjure up multiple hands, because sometimes you just don’t have enough hands to do what’s needed.

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